The Evil House of Cheat

Below is a list of all the people who helped me, Lovkraft, make this site what it is.
My heart goes out to all of you.

Sunbeam - for making the grafix and the layout. I couldn't have done this site without you. Thanx for pushing and insisting. L&R.

Brent Axford at the Cyber-Babes - for doing invaluable support in promoting the site. Hope I can do just a bit of that in return.

Brian Cometa at Cometa Creations - for having my mirror site in the US, and putting up with my lateness.

Ben Livingston at Oblivion - for doing grafix and helping out.

Matt at Matt's Script Archive - for providing top-quality CGI-scripts.

Shaft at - for providing specialized scripts.

Each and every one who sent in an essay.
All the people who made a link to the Evil House of Cheat.
The press - for boosting hits.
Every one who hated the site - for making me strive harder.

... live long and prosper.

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