Motorola StarTAC - Programming

(Work in progress!)

This info is on a hundred other sites, and hasn't really changed since the first Motorola flip-phones, so I'm not putting much effort here...

p+h+o+n+e+#+(#=1 for NAM 1, 2 for NAM 2, etc.) +fnc+fnc will get you into NAM programming mode.

MIN=phone number, Analog SID/Digital SID are the system IDs, hit "sto" to go forward.

FCN 0, security code twice, RCL.... (basically FCN, 13 zeros RCL)
default security code is 000000 or 123456
STO to save info/scroll
MIN = phone number
MDN = phone number also
Country code = 000
Network code = 00
AMPS SID = whatever
CDMA system ID = whatever, (same as above)
Network ID = 65535
Primary channel A = 283
Primary channel B = 384
Secondary channel A = 691
Secondary channel B = 777
Emergency no 1 = (recommend 911)
Emergency no 2 = whatever (*911??)
Emergency no 3 = (whatever)
Security code = XXXXXX
Lock code = XXX
SPC code = 000000 (this is the infamous SUB lock code)
How many nos? = 1 unless using multiple NAM
Entry done.....

IPADDRESS FCN FCN brings up the screen to enter the IP address for the UP.Link Browser

##BROWSER seems to do the same thing!

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Ryan Goolevitch -
Last Modified August 22, 2001