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RE: Numbers of splits and report precincts in your jurisdiction

From: owner-support@gesn.com [mailto:owner-support@gesn.com]On Behalf Of Steve Knecht
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 2:52 PM
I don't know what you mean by "precinct controller user interface" so I may not be answering your questions. (Guess - how to list base pcts on Journada?) 
Something like that...
I don't know how that relates to nonpartisan ballot styles.  But generally you'd find 3-4 non partisan ballot styles in a vote center with 4-6 precincts. 
Its ballot style - report precinct combinations I am really looking for.   I am saying base precint just 'cause I don't want to complicate the question with parties.
I'm guessing but, I'd say base precincts per vote center.
% Base Precincts in VC >  1 = 99+%
% Base Precincts in VC  >  4 = 90%
% Base Precincts in VC  >  6 = 80%
% Base Precincts in VC  >  9 = 50%
% Base Precincts in VC  >12 = 15%
% Base Precincts in VC  >18 = <3%
Well, the feedback is appreciated, but I think I need a little more hard data here.  Here is what I get for Alameda using their 2000 database.
#base pcts,  #vcenters
1, 469
2, 303
3, 88
4, 37
5, 18
6, 8
7, 5
9, 1
10, 2 
That's out of 930 odd polling vcenters.  Maybe the database I am using is wrong, I dunno.  But I need to know.  If I design the user interface using your guess that 18% of vcenters are going to have 12+ basepcts, that is going to piss off the 100% of poll workers in Alameda that have 10 or less.  And it will really piss off the 96.45% of them that have four or less.