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Re: Numbers of splits and report precincts in your jurisdiction

I don't know what you mean by "precinct controller user interface" so I may not be answering your questions. (Guess - how to list base pcts on Journada?)
N. Cal. - California does precinct consolidations.  These probably average 3-6 base precincts being consoldidated into a reporting precinct.  Then, most sites average 2-3 reporting precincts in a Vote Center. So you'd avg around 12 or so base precincts per vote center with maximums of up to 6 reporting precincts in a vote center (that would make a general max of about 25-30 base precincts per vote center - again max).
I don't know how that relates to nonpartisan ballot styles.  But generally you'd find 3-4 non partisan ballot styles in a vote center with 4-6 precincts.
I'm guessing but, I'd say base precincts per vote center.
% Base Precincts in VC >  1 = 99+%
% Base Precincts in VC  >  4 = 90%
% Base Precincts in VC  >  6 = 80%
% Base Precincts in VC  >  9 = 50%
% Base Precincts in VC  >12 = 15%
% Base Precincts in VC  >18 = <3%
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Clark
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 7:41 AM
Subject: Numbers of splits and report precincts in your jurisdiction

I need some statistics on our election databases.  One set of stats for each "area" will be fine.  By area, I mean regions with similar voting characteristics.  If for example all accounts in Virginia have roughly the same stats, just the numbers for one account will do.  If they vary widely within Virginia, then I need a few examples.  Motivation:  I am trying to design a precinct controller user interface that makes sense.
  • What is the average number of base precincts in a polling vote center.   That is, the average number of nonpartisan ballot types.
  • What is the maximum number of base precincts in a vote center.
  • What percent of the vote centers have >1, >4, >6, >9, >12, and >18 base precincts.