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GEMSReport 1-17-21:Cards Cast by Vote Center Report: Cards cast for precincts in multiple vote centers are incorrect.

GEMSReport 1-17-21
Report:         Cards Cast by Vote Center
Required:      March 4, 2002
County:        San Luis Obispo
Election:       March 5, 2002
PROBLEM:  Precinct 1 is in the 3 vote centers: Absentee, EV1 and EV2.  The CARDS CAST BY VOTE CENTER Report shows the same cards cast for Absentee, EV1, and EV2 centers.   See example below.  The actual cards cast totals for Cards 9, 10, 11 for EV1 and EV2 are not displayed.
Vote Center    ID Precinct         Cards     Count
Absentee        1  CON 101-01    9            5
                                             10           54
                                             11           42
EV 1               1  CON 101-01   9             5
                                             10            54
                                             11            42
EV 2               1  CON 101-01   9              5
                                             10             54           
                                              11            42