Hey Mike
They were running VTS, using the Digi Board in the
server connected to
1xDigi Ports/16em (serial box) and 12 external modems
connected to the Digi
Ports... They were not using our current USRobotics
Total Control MP/16 v.34
stack modems...
I did some more testing this morning... Here's a
description of the test:
- We currently have a Digi card in the Server,
connected to 2xDigi
Ports/16em (serial box = 32 ports), connected to
2xUSRobotics Total Control
MP/16 v.34 stack modems (16 modems on each box = 32
- Test #1:
I used a separate external 56k USRobitcs modem,
connected to 1 port on the
Digi Ports/16em serial box, GEMS recognized it and
- Test #2:
I connected 1 of the modems from the USRobotics Total
Control MP/16 v.34
stack modems box, connected it directly to Com1 on
the server, GEMS did not
recognize it...
Problem is with GEMS and the USRobotics Total Control
MP/16 v.34 stack
modems, not the DIGI card or the serial
I'm going to verify my dip switches and modem
configurations on these
USRobotics Total Control MP/16 v.34 stack
Any other suggestions would be
Thanx Mike