Ask Mega Man 

"Hi I'm Mega Man and I'm here to answer your questions. And kill MR.Fuzz"
1:  Who is the toughest robot master you ever fought? Well I have to say it was Ice Man. Doughboy
2:  Do you think kids should go to school?  No Doughboy
3:  Why Is Tango in only 1 game?  Because Capcom never made Mega Man VI. Doughboy
4:  do you think boxing is stupid?  Not if robots are in it.  Do you remember   Hard Knuckle??? Poliwhirl
5:  If you were taken over by Wily, which  robot would you wish to be turned into?   I'd want to be Search Man. I like disappearing. Bobby
6:  Why has your show been taken off the air?  I don't know. I'm mad about that. :-< MegaMan Trigger
7:  I like cheese?  That's not a question Mr. Fuzz
8:  Wow you know Mr. Fuzz. You really are famous. What's his E-Mail address? What's your problem kid. Mr. Fuzz
9:  i'm stuped. beinG stupED is FuN!!!  Good for you.  If you write again You will die. Mr. Fuzz
10:  Mega Man do you have a crush on   Roll?  No. She's my sister MegaMan Trigger
11:  What doos again meen!!!  You're dead. I know where you live. Mr. Fuzz
12: How old are you in the original megaman?  Only 0.  Capcom just made me. Megaman Trigger
13: What game that you made has your favorite weapons?  MegaMan7. It's fun to charge up weapons like X.  (Dark Man's) Megaman Trigger
14: Are they putting your show back on? If they won't let you put it back on
shoot them!
:-) I don't think so. The web master is looking into that.  I should shoot them.:-) Megaman Trigger
15: Why did they make megaman 7 so hard?  That's only how you look at things.  I think it was because when SuperNES was new Capcom wanted it to be the best. Megaman Trigger
16: Have you ever fought a pokemon? did you win? No. Why should we we're both from Japan? Also I'm not programed to fight good. I would win.  Megaman Trigger
17: WHY DOES ROLL LOOK LIKE A HUMAN? Dr. Light did a really good didn't he. Megaman Trigger
19: WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON? BLASTOISE.VENASAUR.CHARIZARD Charizard is.Why do you think we're on the same page. (Charizard's Pokeball) Megaman Trigger
20: Do you think of Zero more than a brother than a comrade? Zero? oh him Dr.wily's last creation. Not really he killed Dr.light. Embiex
21: Which name do you prefer best Rockman or Megaman? I like MegaMan better. RockMan seems like a robot master's name. Embiex
22:  In which game do you think you have the coolest eyes? MegaMan-8. 8bit makes me look like a spaz. 16-bit is ok. Big fan
23: Why don't you like zero, I helped you out in megaman x and you say you
don't like me, if it weren't for me you would be dead so why do you hate
me, I did not kill dr .light, he died 'cause of old age.
I am NOT MegaMan X. When you were made you broke into DR. Light's lab with Bass and killed Dr. Light and me. Then Dr. Wily died. MMX was in a cell and DR cain opened it.  Nick Reed
24: 1)What is the difference between enker and Zero, aside for  the color I
just can't see it.
2) What makes you happy?
3) Does it hurt when somebody steps on your foot, even thought it's
4) Is it possible for you to be aroused?
5) Is it possible for Roll to be aroused?
6) is it possible for me to be aroused?
7) spam five eggplant?
1) Well Zero went insane and killed everyone and enker didn't.
2) Stuff that is NOT like MR.Fuzz.
3) Nop. maybe Guts Man...
4-5)No were are robots we don't need sleep. I guss if you think of  recharging as robot-sleep ya...but I don't
6) If your not a robot you can.
7)oh.!.!.!  Barf purple cheese.
Nop there was one but then it shut down.  I'll keep looking for you. LUCKY2497
26: Why is your voice comparable to that of a 6-year old girl's? I don't know. Maybe Dr.light was drunk or something. EinsteinJT
27: Why is mega man 2000 differnt from all the other mega mans?

How come zero is better than you, and the game is called megaman? it should be
called ZERO THE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

Are you a ghetto kid (part of a gang)

Mr fuzz is awsome don't be making fun of him or ZERO would kill you

Megaman 2000  is not a ROM. it's a game some one made. Nick's working on a game too. AstroBass1. 

I am NOT MegaManX! for the 100th time! Look I don't know why I'm not in the X games. 


I don't hate Zero now. I did when he
was made.

Mitchell Lattof
28: Stop picking on MegaMan thank You Super X
29: MegaMan,

1. I heard that MegaMan 1-6 is coming on Playstation, is this true or a

2. If its how come they won't put MegaMan 7 with the others?

1. oh ya! it's true! It's on the message bord

2.Well MgaMan-7 is still kind-of new and is still being made. 1-6 is for NES.
You know how it crashes a lot. Playstation will fix that.

Donald L Smith
30:Megaman is on channel 24 on sunday Thank-You but its different for each state. I think that's FoxFamily Person-man
1:) Did you ever embarrass your self in public?
2:) Do you like the Pokémon: Mew?
3:) What is up with ProtoMan's whistle?
4:) Are you going to pick on Mr.Fuzz for the rest of your life? (hehehe)
5:) What happened to the TV show? Hope it wasn't pushed over by Sailor Moon 
1:) No but I will if I lose to Mr.Fuzz.
2:) Oh ya do I ever!!
3:) I don't know. Like I said DR.light
was drunk.
4:) No just for the rest of his.
5:) Thank-You Person-man again!
Sailor Moon is a show for MR.Fuzz
32: 2) Is there going to be a megaman game for N64?new playstation?dreamcast?
N64 I don't know. PlaystationRemakes of MegaMan 1,2,3,4,5,6.  Dreamcast I don't know.
33:    Megaman,
  I thought of a new name for the ultimate version of
you....{Omegaman}And why haven't you,bass,protoman,zero,and Duo, made a
game that you can all be on the same sides?
Oh don't worry It will come...Some Day I hope. Steve j.r.
34: I have a few questions about your siser.

1. How close are you and Roll human?

2. Will Protoman every get his chance with her.

3. Will she every date? (I'm writing a fanfiction about right now!)

4. Are there any detication pages to her. The one I usally go to
( moved and hasn't been
heard from since!

5. Who was your favorite boss to fight in MM3? (The fist eight, not
breakman, Doc Robot, Wiley, etc.

6. If you fought Ranma from R 1/2 who would win?

7. Did Wiley ever try to program Roll for evil? (Another fanfiction I'm

8. Why was Rush cool in MM3, but he sucked massively in MM4?

9. Are there any Megaman shows in subtitles and Japanese spoken?

10. What's your real name? (In a homemade game it was Chris and
Breakman's was Jake. Roll's was.........well Roll.)

11. In MM4 how the heck to you kill Willy in the last level in the dark?

1. not as close as you think were are
(Super human fighting robots)

2.They are brother and sister.

3.ya. why not!

4. no. I haven't seen one yet

5. Gemini Man


7. ya in the cartoon just 1 of the 10 I saw.

8. he did suck Bad dog Bad dog
I really don't know.

9. Ya, in Japan

10. Megaman.  in home made games you can do what ever youn want. Even make me a head of pork.

11. Pharaoh Shot charged. you move and jump and soon he will be hit.

34: 1. Is there a company in japan where I can order  the subtitled vesion
of your show and Rockman stuff (t-shirts, etc.)

2. Who the heck is Mr. Fuzz anyways?

3. What did you think of Dr. C's daughter?

4. How many times has Roll fought? I know only a few times. 

5. Which episode was she programed for evil?

6. If you fought X, who would win?

7.Your games kick-ass!

8. Where do you chat? (Which chatroom?)

1. Ya but I don't know one

3. She is very odd. you know the light on her head.

4.on  T.V she fights some times.

5. I don't know I was 1/2 asleep.

6. X would. :-(

7. Yes!

8. I have AOL instant messenger Not AOL. 

35:  Without thinking about playstation is mega man x 3 the best of mega man. Ya.  That's why it's so rare. Phil
36:   Which name do you prefer best Rockman or Megaman? I like MegaMan best Embiex
1.Why do you like Zero in the X series and not in the old 

2.Why does MegaMan get killed by spikes but not get killed by blaster shots?

3.Do you miss Roll in the X series?

1. Cause Zero killed Dr.light in the old series.

2.I have no idea

3. Ya

38:  I like cheese i love cheese and i screwe cheese. I'll screwe you Mr. fuzzy
39:  What's your favorite food? Chicken! Borndude
40:  What's your strongest power I never thought about that.  I guess it's umm....  I don't know. Borndude
41:  Do you watch pokemon when your off of the show Sometimes when I'm not blowing up stuff. Borndude
42:    1. is pokemon your favorite show?

2. Who's your favorite mew or mewtwo?

3. When do you think mr fuzz is going to die?

4. How old are you?

5. What's your favorite animal?

6. I love your show. will you have your show 
on in the year 2079 or so?

7. Do you visit our continents?

1. Not really.  I'm loosing interest in it.

2. Mew it looks more like a cute kitty.

3. Soon I hope.

4. My first game was in 1987 so that would make me 12.

5. Cats

6. Yep, I hope, but the old artist will be dead by then. 

7. Yep

43: I'd say Mr. Fuzzy is funny. And I'ld say he's a stupid guy. hee-hee:-) Robert
YAhoo!!!!!!!!!!! Robert
45:  1)  Do you know where the head capsule is in Mega Man X?

   2)  Which weapon is your favorite from Mega Man 1-7?  MegaMan X-X4?

   3)  I'm about to make a web site.  Can I link to this site?

   4)  What do you think you would be called if you were Mega Man X, Zero, Protoman, and yourself combined, and
what powers would you have?

   5)  Why were you called Rock-Man, Roll is Roll, Bass is Bass, and Treble is Treble?

   6)  Can I help you with Mr. Fuzz? 

1. yep in Storm Eagles level. your clue is "down".

2. I really don't know. I like them all

3. Oh ya sure!

4. How about CyberMegaMan.  My powers could be a hyper blaster that shots rockets.

5. It's cause Japan has something to do with music.  Rock and Roll.  Bass and Treble is also music.  You can adjust them on stereos, C.D. players and other things.

6.  Yep just send a story. Or something that goes BOOM.

The Master.
46:    1.If you and ProtoMan fought who would win ?

2.If You and I fought who would win

3.Witch name do you like RockMan or Mega Man

1. In MM7 the 2 of us get to fight and I won.  look in DarkMan's level.  Clue= "Wall"

2. With out your armor I would win..

3. MegaMan.  RockMan sounds like a Robot Master's name.

47:    Damn you Mr. Fuzz you've turned Dr.light into a drunk. ANd I-d dO it aGaiN. Hay give me the key-bord . you little........... Pamela
48:     1. Why did Megaman 8 change over to the playstation when it should have stayed on the super nes?

2. Why did Megaman X4 also change over to the playstation when it  should have stayed on the super

3. Why did Zero kill Dr. Light and when did it happen???

4. Why doesn't Megaman just kill that sorry sap Wily and snap his neck like a twig???

1. It's because Capcom thought that games would run better on a C.D. and 32bit is better than 16 bit.

2. Same as before.

3. He did it because DR.Wily made him for evil.  It will happen in the last MM game.

4. Cause a robot can't kill a human.

Captain Beerman
49:    Do you have a girlfriend? No.  I really really want one! ElmobdyDeepsea
50:  What robots are megaman 5? GravityMan, CrystalMan, NapalmMan,  WaveMan, StoneMan, GyroMan, StarMan, and ChargeMan  ElmobdyDeepsea
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