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Thursday, March 20th, 2003
6:17 pm
This is Michael's wife. His actions of 3/20/03 were the direct result of mental illness. It is unfortunate that I was unable to force him to get help earlier because he was not previously seen to be a danger to himself or others. Now I hope he can get the help he needs.

Please do not send any more hate mail, I would prefer to tell friends what happened myself rather than having some random @$$ curse at them in an email.

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Monday, March 17th, 2003
7:00 am - Sent this telegram to George W Bush this morning.

I do not know if it is advisable that a hacker should point out what experts have already written about. But I feel it is my duty to bring these ideas to your attention given recent events.

The captured Iraqi drone was a model airplane. I have built and flown remote control airplanes and know that it would be easily within the means of even the most disconnected group of rag tag hobbyists to construct any number of these drones. Watch Fight Club for an illustration of this point.

The ability to destroy all of humanity is now in the hands of any committed individual and beyond even the most orwellian forms of government control.

Our type of economy is spreading to every corner of the world like a virus. To many individuals, this threatens their happiness and way of life. But the most important thing is not the economy. The most important thing is that we live in harmony with each of the 6.3 billion people on this planet. The most important thing is humanity.

Michael Lidman

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Friday, March 7th, 2003
4:44 pm - Back in New Hampshire

Yay, I made it back home. Ur, old home. Whatever. The bus ride is finaly over. The first two days where ok. I met a few people on the but ride. One of them was a recent graduate in mathmatics. We talked and smoked alot during the fun. It was trippy. ur.. nevermind.

This cuntry sucks. It's filled with nazies. I had my bag searched through three times during ride. The border police paid the bus a visit in Cleavland to remove a few illigal alians. "Papers please". Most of the bus stations were pritty clean. Cleavland had a nice valted ceiling. However it was not allways that nice. New York was about as shitty as a place can look. I can still see that puddle of urin creaping along the flore along side the line passangers. (When ya gotta go, ya got to go, I guess). Salt Lake city was nice. The buildings and streets alowed a good view of the snow coverd mountain side from even the center of town. The rest of the town was clean and filled with obsesive compulsive shop clerks who use rulers to organize the magazeen racks. It was almost too clean. Cider Rapids had it's bus station in a good location, right across the street from the public library. Ah, it would be nice to get laid over at Cider Rapids. Even more impressive was Cleavland. It had an entire univercity just a few blocks from its bus station.

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Sunday, March 2nd, 2003
5:26 pm - Subjective Viewpoints
Getting ready to leave for New Hampshire. Taking the bus from Sacramento to Nashua. Should be fun and educational. I think I'll do a few layovers along the way to visit local libraries. I'm looking forward to checking out the Chicago. Might spend a day there.

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Friday, February 21st, 2003
12:55 pm - Read my journal or the day I tried to live wiki
Read my journal. It’s loaded with great wiki ideas for the future.

If you are WikiPolite you'll read the next section and indicate that you've read it. Once you've indicated that you've read it. Someone else can delete it. In the mean time, you can just move it one step to the bottom or ignore it entirely.


This is it. The wiki. I can't believe we haven't seen how to use it yet to free us from our jobs and let our hobbies feed us and let some of us play doctor and still others farmers. But most of all I shutter to think what we will not have to do when we play robotics.

The day I tried to live -- CallMeOrd


I think I'll go around to various wikis and advertise my ideas by copying the above shit into a wiki page talking about what wiki should be.

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12:32 pm - Question for you to answer
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11:32 am - WikiWayOfTheWorld

regulation arizing from wiki and personal jurnals will fuel

Our langeges has become fucked up. Our voule sounds have shortend to the speed of buisness. "Do you want fries with that". We have learned to talk with grate speed. But that has not always been so. Even english was once a language with witch you could spend an enormous amount of time slowy building up a point, perhaps never eaven reaching the point. Infact always never reaching the point. Since there are not absalutes, therefore a point can never be reached.

The point is that witch has no part. We learn this from geometry.

For me, as a young child I learned quickly that those things witch I

Run on sentences. A mater of stile. Occasionally a point must be made or a question must be asked that takes so long to say that no one will be willing listen long enough to understand it.

Language has become so stagnant that most new worlds are coined by business. And while science may contributes new words to language from time to time, they are often of a Latin or Greek origin and usually combinations of two words. Their length makes them inexcusable to those who do not spend the time to learn them. Unfortunately, time is money more often than not, these days. So because the number of people whose day to day language was primarily effected by business jargon far exceeds the number of people who's language was effected by scientific jargon. Therefore most new worlds are coined by Business.

Art once added the most words to language. For example, Shakespeare’s plays combined words from places that up until that time had not completely incorporated each others common vulgar words. We can see the process occurring even today. There are still 10 words you can't say on the radio. But that number has not always been as small. In fact, it has fluctuated through time. Forced by circumstance, people who would have rather lived alone or in small groups lived together until whatever danger subsided. But in these times, words intermingled, cultures clashed, and cultures sublimated to form larger cultures. In these larger cultures, the words in common use increased. This is because, words that were once essentially hidden to the outside cultures, became the common or the vulgar words of the overall new culture. Over time, these vulgar words were accepted and became common words. Art plays an important role in this process. We can see this from the effects of the comedian. The force that opposes this incorporation of vulgar words is courtesy. The comedian can make the unfamiliar, familiar. You do not say fuck unless you are sure that no one who can hear you would be offended. But our fears usually act to keep us from feeling comfortable in public. The places were we feel comfortable in public have an effect on the words we are comfortable saying. All too often today it is at our jobs that we have the greatest familiarity with our surroundings and thus our least amount of fear. But as we are forced by our stomachs to be polite at our places of work, we are far more likely to speak the words essential to our duties “would you like fries with that”. However when you are sure that no one who would be offended by it could still hear it, you tell your other coworker a joke. What do you call a black smerf(serf)? I call it an opportunity to add a new word to our language.

Therefore our new words come manly from business these days and not from art. It’s such a shame when a business takes a bit of art from the past and makes a commercial out of it. It changes the meaning of a part of our cultural past. It runes history for the new generation. Oh lord won’tchu buy me a Mercedes Benz


or occationaly worlds slip by, .

.and art is and always was part of the buisness; and since most busness is not art now days, Therefore

it used to be that art added the most words to language


it could prove what youve done

Oh that's what is it . it's work.
and work is not good.
it expends energy
it's like servays

and it's not good to forget
but remembering is good

Train a dog

what price did humanity pay when it discoverd that it could train a dog when they just could have entered a symbiotic relitionship with them.



It's not WikiCurtious to delete a mispelled link when you can correct it, but only if it had bothered you BEEEEFOORE you thought you wanted to delete it. SameWithGramerAnPunctuation

What price did humanity pay when he learned to copy ideas down on mud and they would last forever.

The builders would win.


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Thursday, February 20th, 2003
12:44 pm - Kill all the lawers
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rice in place of plastic for supermarket grocery bags

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Wednesday, February 12th, 2003
1:37 pm - Crap for book or novle or video or flash cartoon or ya mama
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Thursday, February 6th, 2003
11:39 am - Education Should Be Free
I just realized that it already is. well it has a cost. I froze in while sleeping in the car last night. But I discoverd libraries. These things are cool. They have books that cover any topic imaginable at grate legth. Much grater length then avabliable on the internet. I think the internet should take note of this fact. Maybe start copying the library itself one book at a time...

Anyrate, education at on of these libraries is pritty easy, but it's when the library closes that is the real bummer. Also food is an issue. But now that i'm homeless i'm free to learn for free. All my life goals have already been acomplashed. I just need to get used to the living conditions. But I chose a good place to be homeless ahead of time, and I can always move to another univercity library. Infact I mean to from time to time.

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Monday, February 3rd, 2003
3:09 pm - Brainstorming
The time to act is... well when we figure out what to do.


I was re-reading "Why the future doesn't need us."
This is an important artical for everyone to read.



Orgainization is what we lack. We need to build up an orgainization of "smart people" to save our world from well... capitalizm.

I'm going to read up on the local acadamia and approch them with my ideas.

I started on the University of Sacramento web page. I went to the CS department faculty web page and started looking through each of the professors web pages. Here is an example

An assistant professor at CSU Sacramento, he want to start a non-profit textbook project, witch is something that I'm interetsted in.

If we continue in this fasion we can find any number of professors with simulare social goals.

We need a wiki for these people to collaborate with one another.

We need to start recording lectures and distributing them online via p2p.

It should be easy and free for anyone with high speed internet access download and watch great leactures. Text books should be freely avaliable online.

I'm going to write a challange to the worlds acadamia. EDUCATION SHOULD BE FREE


If you could still live with the same level of comfort as you do now, would do your job for free?


I need to find a professor instersted in genetic algrothms. He'll understand my "copyright is evliutionily inferior argument". Or maybe I should just get a biology professor to understand that. But I think that a computer science professor would understand the "copieing is easy" part.

I'm sure I can find professors who will contribute to what in effect will be a hostle takeover of the worlds economy. hehe, that is to say the world is ripe for change. Copyrite is cripling progess. The orgainzation that forgoes copyrite will have a great advantage over organizations that do not. Suvival of the fittest.


Why Socialism?
by Albert Einstein

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Friday, January 31st, 2003
4:57 pm - Networking
By the mere existence of his stomach everyone was condemned to participate in that chase.

I'm feeling shitty. But it was more a quick responce to what you just had said about my love for you. I suppose ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK I HATE MYSELF AND NEED TO DIE... but I think i'm doing ok on the whole. Only a little psycotic. arrrrrrrrrrg... Everything seams to hard. I just can't start anything. I'm waisting away. I can't get my thoughts straight. I'm fucking everythign up between us. I'm just a big fuck up. I can't even handle you being you, yet alown you being bitchy. I like eating grapes. I can't look people in the eye anymore. I can't eat right. I cant pick cotton. I won't do anything that's not completely and utterly the same. I'm so stuck in the daily grind. I get get out of it... I can't stop doing what i'm doing. And what i'm doing is ruening us. Why did you marry such a freek. I've strived for years to be objective about even myself. But what i've doen is subjectify everything. I'm so traped in my head. I get confused between I and I. Why would I want to be brought back into socity when they suffere from a collective demetia far deeper and far more sinister then my own? I'm so shitty. I'm incappable of loving. I never learned how. I guess you should hate me for not loving you as much as you love me. Natures way I guess. WHY THE FUCK. I'm just wraped up in myself... Oh hell. I guess if i'm not loving enough then you should find someone who can. WHY AM I SO INFINTILE. What can I be thinking that makes me this way? I have nothing but exusces. Oh hell i have more then excuses just like everybody else. There is nothing speical about me or you. It's better just to sleep off life like a splitting hangover, then to bother trying to live it. I just can't handle human containt. Humans piss me off too much. They are not me. Plain and simple. They move as if by their own force. They go about there business as if they actualy had bussiness of there own. Why do they ignore the importaint things. like what i'm thinking about, and what my bussiness is. .... Ungratefull humans, they use the devices of liberation only to further enslave themselfs.

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1:12 pm - Einstein
Why do you think a smart guy who worked in a pattent office dicovered relitivty.


he saw many many ideas each day.

was he drawn to work in a patetnt office or happend to work at one.


Why Socialism?

with little effort in our current time.

energy of socity expressed in war and regulation

energy of individual expressed twoard enlightenment, suvival.

enlightenmaent comes from of beauty of external world

Survival dependant on social ties.

The tendancy of the system is tward equlibrium.

social energy dominats more and more. The individual traditionaly was able to see the beinfit of socity, now that is harder

Individual energy opposed to social energy.

Contantly moving toward social energy will lead some individual's to atempt to destroy the system that interfers with there individual desires.

As the power of the individual increaces his ability to distroy the system increaces.

But the power of the individual increaces as socity moves along in it's way of dominance. Technology is a social goal

The more socity presses on the individual, the grater his disire to distroy and the grater his ablity to carry out his intentions.

I hope the surrvivers of this game (if there be any survivers) will be less likly to let socity push individuals around.


Fortunalty it only takes food, clothing, shelter, and medical attention to shift the power strugel toward equalibrium.


Adjusting the energy level of the game

Start at Go and whind up bankrupt.

Start without fear of death and go anywhare and everywhere.


Better post this before my computer crashes.

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11:57 am - history and penis envy, lost all good stuff to computer crash. Fux it, me says
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants" --Thomas Jefferson


progress along the time line.

We take one point and extrapolate the outcome a few years We then repete the process with the next point untill we have examined a sufficent sample of points related and unrelated. We then read what we have for the next year and try to deturmin how advances in related points reenforce eachother. Then, we adjust all future points based expected reenforcment. Repet untill you have examind all the years up to the point you are trying to predict.


I lost all the cool stuff I wrote when my computer crashed. fucking emachines.

So I wrote about penis envy


The thing about a penis is that you first learn that your penis is your own from a certain perspective and that perspective flavors all other perspectives you have on it.

Different perspectives are either more simulare or less simulare. Those that are more simulare reenforce eachother. Those that are less simulare reenforce others.

All through life you use your penis to pee. You stair at is from time to time, watching to make sure you don't spash where you don't want. You look down and you see your wang from about two feet away.

Look down at your feet. Now bring a foot close to yourself. Enevitably the foot you brought up to your face apperes larger. (I would have to see that my foot shrank the closer I brought it to my face)

The proportions of your body are skeuwed at such a steep angle.

You shy your stair away from things that bother you, just as you generaly don't stair at things that don't interest you.

We can also see ourselves in mirrors.

when you look at yourself in the mirror.

what did you look at?

(now think of a naked guy)

Now look at yourself in the mirror.

Did you shy away from looking at anything?

Does the view of your penis as seen when you go pee effect how you look at your penis in a mirror?

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Thursday, January 30th, 2003
1:40 pm - more thoughts
Selling fear for over a houndred years


Restrictions on children.
The more we restrict our children the less freedom our young adults will miss.
Our idea of freedom is shaped by culture. If you ask, how can a free sucity live with restriction X. It's because they are used to it.
If our young people are not used to freedom, they will have a harder time picking up on our idea of what freedom should be.
As we die, the young, with only a scuewd view of what we think freedom should be, influance socitie's taists with there substanderd view of freedom.
So as older people die, the population of younger people grows in influance.
The population as a hole is then more used to restrictions and less used to freedom.
Thus one place where freedom is irroded without being visable to the adult public, is by restricting children.

Check poins with metel detectors at school
Check poins with metel detectors at the airport
Check poins with metel detectors at the court house
Check poins with metel detectors at work
Check poins with metel detectors at the super market
Papers please
Licence, Registration, and Proof of Insurance.

Get up in the morning and go to school.
Get up in the morning and go to work.

Be on time for class
Be on time for work

Turn in homework on schedual with your name in the top X corner. Include teachers name and class information below Y.
Got those tps reports finished


studies: advertizments for scientists. the public veiw, vs the view in the scientific comunity. studies are an editing processs that filters out the first draft of many scientific ideas.

What use is a study based on statistics if statistics can lie. Well numbers do not lie, only statistitions who inturprate them do. You see those you know statistics, especialy those who work with satistics, understand these things and can objectivly deturmin the vality of any clam offered on the basis of statistical evidence. That takes time and effort. Depending on the beleavablity of the work, a grater or lesser number of scientist will take the time to varify previous results. To a large degree, the vary nature of the univerce gives the reason and dictats the timeing of this process.

What scientists look for in a theiry is predictablity. That is if someone make a clam to understand a process, that clam should not only explain previously made observations, but should also show usefullness in predicting future results of tests yet concieved. Studies are measured on this grand scale. If a the conclutions from a study predict the results of other related studies, the original study gets more waite in the scientific comunity. This works in reverce as well, if a study makes predictions that never come true, few scientists will be willing to take the time to ferther test those predictions. You see, it's not vary smart to repededly smash your head agsint a brick wall.

Just as no man is an island no sdudies is an island. In the long run, science is self correcting. But that does not mean that science is hert by sperious studies. Unfortuanatly there are those who do not study science. Infact most poeple remain ignorant of science. I do not blaim them as this is a cultural trned that has been working slowly but in science's favor for thosands of years.


talk about resalution, but what about sample rate


Sometimes when i realized something I want to run out of this building and scream it at the top of my lungs.


food water

The frustrating part is that no one ever does anything about it.


the cell as the basis for communes
open source communes

cell things witch are good are alowed to enter.

isolation while maintaining communication

start the cell with what it needs. If the cell dies then so be it. So long as there are other cells

Strong cells help weak cells.

some help themselfs firfst others help still others first.

distance for one type of isolation, bariors for another.

Corruption is the enimy, waist is a thife. Find ways of using these things to your advantage. Where is your fungus. How does your fungus recycle corruption and waist into something usefull.

spread like a virus to consume our culture's corrupt cells. Infect busnesses and governemt. use them to spread ourselfs.

We live the way we want in private.


I see the same relationships between different systems. I beleave that by thinking of the relationships in a working system it is possible to further understanding of other systems, no matter how different they may seem at first.

Look at what i'm thinking above. I'm trying to come up with a plain for a socity, but i'm using the cell as the seed of my insperation.

That is what is so cood about the lack of scale.


Unfortunatly we live in the world and occupy a phisical location. But we can abstract ourselfs into a world as fast as our computers can connect us and as far reaching as we are willing to lay cables to or point an antena at.

current mood: frustrated and agitated

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Monday, January 27th, 2003
1:20 pm - Mind reading machine
voice recognition + voice box electrical signle recognition

When you speak you use muscles to change the shape and tentions or the voice box. Use sencors, electrodes on the neck to read those muscels movments. The advantage of this over simple voice recognition is that since the voice is made by sever indiviual muscle systems, we can get multiple independant signles. This gives us far more reliable data then can be gleaned from the sound of a voice. The voice is made up of different sounds added ontop of eachother. Once these sounds are added to eachother, there is no effective way to seperate them.Using electrical signles from electrods on the neck captures this data before it gets mixed, giving us a finer picture of what the speacher is trying to say.

Advantage two, Even if the words are said internaly with the throught, the device should still be able to still deturming what is being said. This silent speach recognition to an outside obsurver would seam like mind reading.

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10:14 am - Univercle principles
I just thought I would take a stab at creating my own univercle principles. Principles create fraimworks which organize a number of single observations into a cohesive whole.

All systems are regulitory. A system is a relationship of one to another. One if sufficently unknown can be two or more--this rizes from complexity. Two or more it sufficently known can be one--this rizes from the black box princaple. (this one needs flushing out)

The univerce lacks scale. If a thing be sufficently large, its relationship to a smaller will become unknown. In the same way if a thing be sufficently small it's relationship to a larger thing will become unknown. If we look at the obsurvable univerce we see that this can not be all there is. Infact we most of the univerce is unobservable. Of small things, many that we know about only weakly interact with the kind of mater that we are most famillior with. The smaller we look the more things exibite probablistc behavior. The behavior of sufficently small things exibit unobsurabilty. Thus there is an upper and lower bound on the magnitude of the obsurvations made by an observer. (there is some difficulty here with unknown vs unobsurvable. I think if we subsitute "the smaller" in the second sentance and "the larger" or the third sentance with "the obsurver", this difficulty can be sufficently explained.)

Ok i'm a dork

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Saturday, January 25th, 2003
6:17 pm - fun things that happend today 1/25/03
weeee that was fun

I let a snail walk (slime, or whatever it really does) on my finger. it was a thrilling experience. It felt tingly. I felt a little scared. So it was hard to feel exactly what was happening. I wanted to know the mechanism by witch it moves. I guessed that it might use interla structure much like it's eyes. It's eyes are attached to the head by structures that telescopes in and out of it's head

saw bunches of orange yellow, urm.. living materiel. Jesica remarked that they were eggs. I thought, at first, it was liken. It had a damp oder. They were growing eqauly on top of the leaves as attached to the blades of grass. The bunches where variablly disperced in bounches of about 25 to 35, but closely packed. Jessica thought that the bunches were around 80 to 100. But still, I think they were in bunches of 25 to 35. Chickan

me finsh later


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Thursday, January 23rd, 2003
1:50 pm - freenet

This is a good thing. Check out the philosophy section

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2003
1:35 pm - Printing orgains on my inkjet?

Remember the artical about pringting electronics? Remember rat muscle robots? Fuse this biological printer with the electronics printer and you have a cyborg printer. The great thing about this artical is they modified a comertial ink jet to do this. Do you realize how easly these technologies could be mass produced. Individuals would have control over over a device that would give them an imence amount of manufacturing cabablity. You could print out a fillet minon that you downloaded from the internet. You could print out a robot slave that your buddy designed.

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