Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 13:53:15 -0700 (PDT)

From: Alex Fabrikant

Subject: EXACT LOCATION for dmitry

I have just received a voice confirmation from the North Las Vegas Department of Detention/Correction that Dmitry is being held at their facility.

Once again, their contact information is:

North Las Vegas Dept of Detention/Correction
2222 Constitution Way / North Las Vegas, NV 89030

IMPORTANT: In their records, Dmitry's last name is MISSPELLED. Their database has his last name as SKYLAROV (note also that there seems to have been a hand-written correction on the original filing by the FBI agent).

Please DO NOT harrass prison officials with phone calls since we may need their cooperation between now and when Dmitry is moved.

When I inquired how long he will be held there, they said that they have no way of knowing because "he is a US Marshal inmate, and may be moved at any time". I guess we knew that already.


