July 19, 2001

To: jcristof@adobe.com, dstyerwa@adobe.com, lvacante@adobe.com, ablatchf@adobe.com, skrueger@adobe.com, gbabbit@adobe.com, wsaso@adobe.com, jwarnock@adobe.com, cgeschke@adobe.com, bchizen@adobe.com, snarayen@adobe.com, mdemo@adobe.com, gfreeman@adobe.com, cpouliot@adobe.com, jstephens@adobe.com, mdyrdahl@adobe.com, blamkin@adobe.com, lsellers@adobe.com, lepstein@adobe.com, lgiffin@adobe.com
Subject: Concerns

I have not only used but evangelized Adobe products since the days when PostScript was just three red/green/blue books, a bunch of slow but powerful laser printers and a lot of hope.

As the owner of a computer VAR/tech support center, I've personally sold (as did my staff) several $million in Adobe products ranging from fonts to graphic design software to embedded products like PostScript-enabled printers. I sold Illustrator back when its name changed every year. How many of the people receiving this message even remember Illustrator 88? I was there, selling your products and training your first customers.

I am also an Adobe Systems shareholder.

John Warnock and many others have made their millions, taking this little thing from PARC and making a nice product line and company around it. You proved your point. Is it absolutely inevitable that any company, having established itself, must then turn into the monster that is apparently modern-day Adobe Systems?It saddens and angers me to see the poor choice Adobe has made with its complaint against Dmitry Sklyarov. This guy is a 26 year old father of two children.For the last three days he has been denied communication with friends, family, even the Russian Consulate due to these deliberate actions by your company. I understand that he does not speak English well, and assume that he is afraid and alone right now.

How would you feel if an Adobe employee were captured and hidden from sight while attending a conference in some other country? These sorts of things used to happen to American citizens in China and the USSR, and we protested against it, diplomatically and person to person. Now this happens in America? It is shocking and embarrassing.

Please immediately rescind Adobe's complaint against Dmitry Sklyarov before this becomes a bigger problem for everyone. Dmitry is the wrong victim to use in fixing the DMCA, an unfortunate and defective law.

