Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 15:38:46 -0400
From: Bob McGhee <>
Subject: Criminal Security

The world understands your embarassment at the exposure given eBook and .pdf security
in Las Vegas. It's criminal!

For the good of the community i am obliged to review the following with my clients:
- Adobe's representation of security;
- Other's experience with same;
- Adobe's reaction to discussion of its security in an open forum.

I hope in the near future to report that you have:
+ Withdrawn your complaint against Dmitry Sklyarov;
+ Either fixed your security, or rectified misrepresentations made to your customers.

You poison your own market when you overstate the capabilities of some of your best products, and then penalize anyone who challenges your claims.

You are a pariah to the entire open source movement. If you stop using the courts as a marketing tool, perhaps you can stop before it gets too far.

Bob McGhee

