Ballot Station 4-1-14 for Windows CE and Windows NT
are ready. The passwords are: gzn5njhn11bx1
This includes the following fixes:
- BUG#2112
Attempting to view or cast ballot containing race with cross-endorsed
candidate results in a blank grey page with "Loading Ballot" displayed.
- BUG#1918
'Magnify' and 'Magnifier' labels should be consistent. All labels should all
say ‘Magnify’.
- BUG#1554 Change 'challenged' to 'Challenged' on
the Select Precinct and Party screen.
- BUG#1552
Withdrawn candidates are not displayed on the ballot but VIBS plays the
candidates' names.
- BUG#1550
Headers are counted as a pass when performing Manual or Automatic L&A
- BUG#1526
Header appears on ballot, yet is not linked to any race in GEMS.
- BUG#1524
Electronic keyboard selections activate incorrect keys.
- BUG#1515
Error Reading Smart Card- Voter card is rejected if it has not previously been
written to.
- BUG#1518
Attempting to Print Totals Report or transfer accumulated results causes error
- BUG#1514
Supervisor card should not be accepted prior to Pre-Election Testing Mode
window when election media is present.
- Bug#1487
Repeat upload from Results Accumulator transfers current memory card contents
- BUG#1481
Number of passes in Manual Test count includes withdrawn candidate.
- BUG#1448
Clicking on Purge from Election Archives results in an error message.
- BUG#1419
Closing 'Set Date' window causes Ballot Station to freeze.
- BUG#1418
Create Voter Card screen - Card Manager Display field is displaying the file
incorrect format.
- BUG#1414
Select Precinct and Party screen is incorrectly labeling the Precincts' names
and the Voter Card Encoder field.
- BUG#1398
Ballot Station freezes if you click on the screen instead of in "Delete
another election?..." dialog box.
- BUG#1389
Challenge field missing from 'Select Precinct and Party
- BUG#1358
AccuVote-TS unable to connect to RAS. Error message occurs: "...incorrect
set-up information specified."
- BUG#1293
When voting a Straight party Recall race, if Straight party is unselected,
"Yes" under "Recall Race" title should also be unselected.
- BUG#1276.
Preference race displayed on ballot is redundant, since the user selected
their preferred party on previous screen.
- BUG#868
Accepting and rejecting challenged ballots is not recorded in Ballot Station
Audit Log.