GEMS-1-18-11 is ready. The password
is: bw2rb3nmp1ndr
- Disabled the ability to add or delete languages when
an election’s status is "Set For Election".
- Report Precinct ID values are now limited to a range
from 0 to 999,999,999.
- Fixed problem where the set of cards displayed in the
Cards with Races and Cards with Base Precincts reports did not match the set of cards displayed in the GEMS
tree view.
- All race types are now displayed by their full names
in the Type column of the Race Report.
- Changed controlling race column label to "Controlling
Race" in the Race Report.
- Base precinct Ids are now displayed correctly in the
Vote Centers with Cards by ID report.
- The F5 key can now be used to refresh the application
- When adding candidate, if the election status is set
to Cards Laid Out, the label assigned to the new candidate will be “Reg.
- Fixed problem that prevented highlight focus from
returning to an entity in tree view after it as been edited.
- Fixed problem that prevented a non-HOST regional user
to use Reset Election in order to clear the counters.
- Reduced flashing when refreshing Tree view and List
- An editor for an entity in Tree view can now only be
opened when its icon or label is clicked on.
- Set the default ballot text to "Header", "Race" and
"Candidate", regardless of language selected.
- When adding a new header or race, the Header or Race
Id is included in the default .rtf text.
- Ballots with unplaced races cannot be saved in the
Ballot Editor.