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RE: gems 1-14-13

 Thank you Greg.  For some reason I am getting a "pars" error when I try to
open the file in the Software Announce archive.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-support@gesn.com [mailto:owner-support@gesn.com]On Behalf Of
Greg Forsythe
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 3:13 PM
To: support@dieboldes.com
Subject: RE:

GEMS-1-14-13; GEMS-1-15-9


To: "Software Announcements" <sw-announce@dieboldes.com>
Subject: GEMS-1-14-13; GEMS-1-15-9
From: "Dmitry Papushin" <dmitry@dieboldes.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 10:03:46 -0600

GEMS-1-14-13 and GEMS-1-15-9 are ready. The passwords are:

GEMS-1-14-13.zip             mnf4lfgg0t9rs
GEMS-1-15-9.zip               bapvh.5n6uyge


ยท                     Fixed bug in manual entry and multi-precinct vote
centers when after modification to one precinct the results for the
other precincts in the vcenter will be cleared.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-support@gesn.com [mailto:owner-support@gesn.com]On Behalf Of
Steve Ricke
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 12:34 PM
To: Support

Does anyone have the password for GEMS 1-14-13?

Stephen Ricke
Diebold Election Systems
Phone: 972-542-6000
Fax:   972-542-6044
Email: Steve@dieboldes.com