Karen, Thanks very
much for the options. I will stick those in my head for later use. I
especially like #3. Mark
Earley 850 422-2100 - office/fax 850 322-3226 - cell -----Original
Message----- Mark- Here's a few ways I
have handled this situation in the past: 1) The printer creates a
second front plate for the ballot which does not have a back (stripping out the
VBS message). 2) If VBS language is not
prescribed by law, consider creating second header for use on this style with
wording such as Vote Both Sides (If Applicable) . or 3) Add message This
Side Intentionally Left Blank to backer. I have
seen all of these work in California. Hope it helps you in FL. -----Original Message----- Time Frame: ASAP, Osceola County FL ballots are already
late to printer. Problem: 2 ballot styles have common Front Plates. Need to delete a header from one of these, but leave
it on the other. Cannot edit one front plate without the edit
reflected on the other. Reason: One of these ballot styles has races on the back and
the other does not. Need to remove the Vote Both Sides header from the ballot
style that has no races on the back. Since the front plates are shared the
removal is reflected on both, causing the two-sided ballot to lose the Vote
Both Sides header on its front plate. Question: Is there a method to solve this dilemma? Is there a
way to make the ballot styles use unique front plates? Expectation: Solution probably involves hidden/dummy races or headers
or something similar that causes my hair to turn gray and fall out. Thanks in advance, Mark Mark
Earley 850 422-2100 -
office/fax 850 322-3226 - cell |