-----Original Message----- Lesley, your posting this
information is helpful and appreciated.
However, without a lot more details, it is unlikely for most of your
recent posts that anyone will be able to provide you with answers to why these
problems would occur, or to formulate a solution. Saying that a problem happened
“during testing” does not tell us enough to give you answers. Does
"during the automatic L&A testing of the PCMCIA election
media cards" give enough detail for "during testing" ? Only if that is enough information to
reproduce the problem, which for all but the most trivial problems will
probably not be the case. In other
words, if all databases on all machines popped up the error message in question
when you try to run an auto L&A, then sure that would be enough. We’d take a toy database, run an
L&A, see the problem, and fix it. More likely though it isn’t
going to work out that way. There is something special about the
database, machine, or release that caused the problem. Maybe it happens only with databases
with write-ins. Or
maybe a straight party race.
Does it happen right at the beginning of auto L&A, or after 9999
ballots. Does it only happen at the
end of the test? If it happens only
sometimes, how often does it happen? Does it happen with some machines more
than others? Does it happen with
some databases more than others? Does
it happen with older releases? How
about newer? Ken |