Johnson County Kansas
Primary Election August 6th
Early Voting In Person in Progress
Main Early Voting Location
July 26, 2002
BS 4.1.11
WinCE 1.2.1
Voter received voter access card and voter receipt from
clerk. Clerk accompanied voter to AVTS unit and inserted card into
unit. Clerk checked that appropriate ballot displayed and left voter to
vote. Voter came back to clerk a couple of times with questions and
returned to vote. Last time voter returned to clerk and clerk accompanied
voter back to AVTS and said card had come out but he had not voted. Clerk
reports that the AVTS screen had the following popup message either on top of
the Summary Screen or a voting screen:
Card upside down or not inserted
Clerk called over supervisor and by then the AVTS had returned to the "hand" screen.
After voting closed yesterday we pulled this unit, closed
election, and viewed and printed the audit log. The log shows that unit
with one less ballot cast than we had voter receipts in the unit's
envelope. Audit log shows unit opened, 4 ballots cast then the "Card
upside down..." message then logs Ballot cancelled twice, and continues with 10
more ballots cast. The number of receipts is 15.
Clerks have been trained on Canceling Ballots and know what
that screen looks like and did not execute the cancel ballot function.
Has anyone seen this message in this type of circumstance?
What could the voter have done to get the card to eject and the ballot to cancel
twice? Can a voter actually cancel their own ballot? And, how can a
ballot get cancelled twice? If the ballot was cancelled, doesn't the AVTS
clear the voter access card?
I appreciate any insights the group may provide.
Thanks. Lesley