this has been discussed before in the context of the Florida VIBS Certification
in rcr and in bugtrack a good bit. I
thought the VIBS Write In Cancel had been changed to use the asterisk “ * ”
key. Isn’t this key available on the Genovation and other keypads? Mark
Earley 850 422-2100 - office/fax 850 322-3226 - cell -----Original
Message----- I think there was a
protracted discussion of this on the bugtrack list some time ago (too lazy to
find the ref). The bottom line was
that there were/are a bunch of accounting keypads (Genovation) in the field, so
there was no separate key available to use as you suggest. At the time I asked Piper and Hallmark
whether they were being recalled, but received no answer. I was in the Ken -----Original
Message----- A character is accepted on the write-in ballot by pressing 0, yet
write-in candidate name entry is cancelled by pressing 0. Could we use
separate keys for character acceptance and write-in entry cancellation? Nel |