----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001
9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Bill Ricke Email
Well, the reason why it looks like a virus is
because it is a virus. But the problem really is that it didn't
originate from this office. So this leads me to believe that there
are support people or salesmen in the field or from other offices opening
emails that they shouldn't or just not paying attention to what the
attachment is.
So listen, rule of thumb for viruses.
DON'T OPEN ANYTHING!!! And by open, I don't mean "don't view your
mail", I mean don't open an attachment, unless you are overly sure it is
from someone you expected it from.
Don't open an .exe, .eml, .js,
Robert-Quarantine Office LOL
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001
10:00 AM
Subject: Bill Ricke Email
I have been deleting all mail from Bill
as it is suspicious
suggest we find out what is going on as
it looks like viruses