Does anyone out there know of a way to have a space between the last write-in line and the line that defines the bottom of the race box. I have tried changing every setting I can come up with, but no luck. The election is done in 1-11-2. Jeff Heintz had done the original in 1-11-4 and was able to produce a space. The password is GLOBAL. I would like to stay in the 1-11 versions as that is what the state and other Alaska accounts are on. Thanks: Don
kodiak2001-all caps.dbf
Description: application/unknown-content-type-dbf_auto_file
begin:vcard n:Biszmaier;Don tel;cell:502-314-6936 tel;fax:502-254-7835 tel;home:502-244-8645 tel;work:502-244-8645 x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email; fn:Don Biszmaier end:vcard