As I see more and more of these export requirements from
different states, I must ask a fundamental question. Is it possible to have the export of
data fall outside of a specific GEMS
As has been discussed many times in
the past, it is possible to make GEMS report whatever version number
you want. But if you want to be able to differentiate the version of GEMS
that does, say, North Carolina Export from the version of GEMS that does
not, then you need a different number. Also, it is my understanding that
our policy is to not misrepresent version
We could of course write an
independent software package that only did state exports. Dis-integrating
GEMS as it were. Seems to me that a change to that program would require a
new version number and re-certification though, just like
In the past we have shot ourselves in the foot by attaching a
specified export to a release level that is not certified in the state.
Well, in the past we got a version of GEMS certified in
South Carolina that was incapable of satisfying South Carolina's state reporting
requirements. In short, had the state cert board done their jobs, we would
not have been certified in South Carolina in the first place. We did
not shoot ourselves in the foot by attaching a specified export
to a release level. We shot ourselves in the foot by taking a version of
GEMS to certification that was incapable of running their
This has caused many problems in the past.
Can you list them for
the record? It would be good information to have on
hand. I am only aware of the South Carolina case w.r.t certification and
Now is the time to address this and rectify this if