A few questions: Are Alameda's Voter
Cards (250 of them only) supported by the Spyrus.
How would we handle 8 parties in a primary
if the Spyrus only supports 6 styles?
Is this a limit you've programmed or a
limit of the Spyrus itself?
Bit of both.
I am ordering 30 Spryus Card burners for
Piedmont/Oakland election on March 6/April17 elections. Early voting
starts Feb. 6 for Piedmont I have tried the Spyrus on the Alameda
smart cards. I don't seem to be able to get it to work per your emailed
instructions. It comes up:
If I press enter it beeps once and stays on
Encode? message.
It only
supports ISO T=0 smart cards, as per docs.
If I press clear it beeps once and stays on
Clear button doesn't do anything.
Do I need to order different cards, or can the 30
sent to me be programmed to accept the Alameda cards? Please let me know
so I can get correct cards ordered.
You need to
order ISO T=0 cards, or talk Spyrus into supporting I2C. For March
Alameda, that realistically means the former.