----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 1:51
Subject: Re: Undefined characters 1-16-6
& 3-13-1-3
You modified the TSText using
Word and it added the first line as the title (ie the "%s" is now the title).
See the properties in MSWord
using file->properties. This is what is causing the problem. Change
the title to something else.
This is the same problem for
the page numbers.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 1:33
Subject: Undefined characters 1-16-6
& 3-13-1-3
Defined a race with a write-in. In
readiness testing or official mode, undefined characters appear
within the write-in text box. Also, once I selected the write-in box,
entered some text and then selected Record Write In, I was then thrown out
to the desktop.