It's no bother to stock the hubs, I
was just curious if they were really necessary. It sounds like they are
being used like a crossover cable adapter. It's probably better to
use the hubs, especially for larger accounts (and probably smaller ones too), so
they can attach more than one AV-TS unit to the host computer (multiple
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 12:37
Subject: Re: AVTS Early Voting
Also, do you really need a 4
port Ethernet hub to connect a Ballot Station to a host computer, or can
you just connect it directly? I think the cost of the hub is so low that we
should allow for other needs. Personal
Opinion. There is a cable
available to directly connect 2 devices (a "null-hub" cable?) although it may
not be commonly available (I got one with my cable modem). Ian, you may
wish to consider stocking a few of these if hubs are a bother.