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RE: AVTS - PA Certification - Clarification of voting rules

Yes, in the case of multiple votes, only if the race is fully voted.


Yes, if you touch a race before or after straight party, it then is “as you say” dirty.  The Straight Party Race would not change that vote.


Jeff Hintz

Global Election Systems


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-support@gesn.com [mailto:owner-support@gesn.com]On Behalf Of Ken Clark
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 10:22 AM
To: support@gesn.com
Subject: RE: AVTS - PA Certification - Clarification of voting rules


In the case of a race in which their are multiple votes, when you touch a new choice in that race, all votes are removed and your new choice is then marked, then you would have touch your other choices for the number of votes allowed.   


You mean to say "...all votes are removed if and only if the race is fully voted...", right?

I hope this clarifies the way that PA Certification requires it, and sorry for the misinterpation before.


Not really.  Attached was the original exchange.  Has something changed?  Also, the following clarification is still outstanding:


> Interesting.  Just to be clear, if they touch a race at all, does
> it forever
> become "dirty"?  Consider:
> (1)   Vote straight party republican.
> (2)   Vote presidential democrat
> (3)   Change to straight party democrat
> (4)   Change to straight party reform
> Even though the president race is no longer crossed over at step three, I
> assume changing to reform in step 4 will have no effect on the
> presidential
> race?  Hope voters have a notebook with them to keep track of which races
> they have touched...
