Is there a way to set the AccuVote units with Version PC194.x to be able toI'll check to see if any of the current .abo report files work as you request.
print out the Long Report for both the Zero Reports at Election start up
and Totals Reports after running the Ender Card????
If not, you may need to request a custom Accu-Basic report program (the .abo file) for the region that wants this. To do so, please specify what .abo file you want the new one based on and exactly how you want it changed. Please also specify the new file name. The file names are not apparent in the GEMS Accu-Vote options screen but you can see them by turning your Windows explorer to the GEMS\ABasic directory. For the 1.94 firmware, they are named like 194uswi.abo for Wisconsin, U.S. If you want changes to wording or formatting, it helps to actually type out an example of what you want. I would then email you the .abo file so that you can check that it meets your requirements.