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Re: Manual Rotation??

jeff, is there something else going on here, because we do this in Calif I
believe.  but you're scenario implies only two precincts in the database.
Is this correct??
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Clark <ken@gesn.com>
To: <support@gesn.com>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 1:07 PM
Subject: RE: Manual Rotation??

> > Is there a way to assign rotation manually???   We are doing a trial
> > election in Ohio with only 2 precincts, but the 2 different precincts
> > not consecutive, so the rotation is not matching, and I would like to
> > them manually.  Is this possible???
> >
> > Jeff Hintz
> > Global Election Systems
> Short answer:  no.
> Long answer.  Assign a district to each precinct, choose district
> and set the rotation number for the district for whatever order you want.
> I am worried something is missing here though.  What do you mean exactly
> "not consecutive"?  The rotation should happen in the *order* that the
> precincts are in.  Doesn't (shouldn't) matter whether they are consecutive
> or not.  Is the precinct order (by id) different than they rotation they
> want?
> Ken