Ontario is going through a restructuring
process. Many small municipalities are being merged into quite large
cities. The Region of Ottawa-Carleton is made up of ten municipalities and
will soon be one City. Six of these municipalities are Global
customers and five have GEMS.
In the elections to be held November 13, 2000, these
municipalities will be running a common election for one mayor, fourteen
ward councillors and various school trustees. The new council will be
sworn-in in December and the individual municipalities will become the City of
Ottawa, population one million (about 700,000 registered voters).
Is there a method to use these 5 GEMS locations? Would
it mean that one database is created and distributed to the 5 locations?
There are a couple of other regions like this in Ontario.
Greg Forsythe Global Election Systems, Inc 24 Hirondelle Place, Ontario M3A 1V8 Phone (416) 446-1383 Fax (416) 446-1425 gfglobal@earthlink.net www.gesn.com |