Jurisdiction: All
Requested: April
16, 2002
Required: Put into next release of
Requested on behalf of Johnson County,
KS. They have AVTS version
4.0.11. When doing testing on the AVTS,
they bring up the Window to Create Voter Cards, and it gives a list of all
Base Precincts available for that Vote Center, this is fine. However, if
they go to do a Test Count - Count Test - with Not Using Voter Card selected,
the window that comes up shows the Report Precincts, not the Base
Precincts. When there are split precincts within a Report Precinct, the
only thing that distinguishes one from the other is the ID number. Could
we put in the Base Precinct label, instead of the Report Precinct label into
the Count Test window, as is done in the Create Voter Cards