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Allow accumulated AVTS results to be stored onto and subsequently uploaded from a pcmcia card into GEMS

We have 4 counties in Maryland:
Dorchester            100 AVTS
Alegheny               330 AVTS
Prince George     2500 AVTS
Montgomery        2800 AVTS
Upcoming Maryland elections:
April 2     City of Bowie in Prince George County                        40 AVTS         8 pcts                 using modem for upload
April 26    High/Middle School election in Montgomery County     340 AVTS       54 locations       no modem
Sept 10              Primary
November 5       General
Don Vopalensky, who is in Maryland and in direct contact with all the counties, says that as it stands the two small counties, Dorchester  and Alegheny, will not use modems for the rest of the year and the larger two are undecided. This brings us to the question of uploading election results election night in a timely manner, with the strong possibility that at least one of the larger counties as well as the two smaller counties will not use modem.
As always the expectation is an almost immediate release of election results from the time the polls close,but without modem we would have to physically gather all the pcmcia cards from each vote center location, take them to a central or regional site and upload each card via a limited number of AVTS units set up to be accumulators that are networked together. At (2) minutes per card (2500 in Prince George) it will take about 83 hours to complete the upload. Of course this is calculated on using just one AVTS for upload but even using 20 upload machines your looking at 4 hours given no complications and that the 2 minutes per card isn't too low an estimate.
Using the Accumulator in AVTS, allow a transfer method of storing results onto a pcmcia card.
The pcmcia card that is to be used has been created and  ( uniquely encoded) in GEMS as part of a vote center. 
Upload into GEMS via networked AVTS or stand alone PCMCIA Card Reader attached to GEMS host.
Upload results as quickly as possible.
Jeff Hallmark
Diebold Election Systems
PHN   (972) 542 6000  X167
FAX   (972) 542 6044