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VIBS modifications for FL

Here is my submission to FL. Hopefully they will accept the changes.

VIBS Changes Required by the Florida Division of Elections

Area #1:   VIBS Instruction Set
A. VIBS Welcome:

"Welcome to the Audio Ballot Voting System. The Audio Ballot uses a standard 12 key telephone type keypad to navigate through the ballot and make voting selections. The 5 key has a raised feature to help the voter maintain orientation with the keypad. The headphones have a rotary volume control on the cord. Please be methodical and patient when using the audio ballot. At the end of the ballot, you will be prompted to cast your ballot or review it.

B. VIBS Instructions
The main navigation keys are the 4, 5, and 6 keys. Pressing the 4 key moves you backward through the ballot to the previous candidate or race. Pressing the 5 key selects or unselects a candidate. Pressing the 6 key moves you forward through the ballot to the next candidate or race. If you want to change your vote, you must first unselect your current choice by moving to that candidate and then press the 5 key. Other keys will be explained if and when needed. The 0 key is a help key. To replay these instructions at any time, press 0. If you get confused during the voting process, pause and wait for instructions.

Area #2:   VIBS Write-In Instruction Set
A. VIBS Write-In Welcome:
Please listen carefully to all instructions while voting the write-in ballot. For write-in candidate names, letters are assigned to the keys according to the standard telephone keypad.  Pressing a key multiple times will cycle through the letters assigned to that key.  If you are unsure of which key a letter is assigned to, press various keys until you get close to the letter you want, then press that key several times to locate the correct letter. When you have found the letter you want, pause for more instructions.

B. VIBS Write-In Instructions:
To enter letters of the candidate’s name, press keys 2 through 9. For a space between names, press 1.  If you get confused during the write-in process, instructions will be repeated after a brief pause.

C. VIBS Write-In Accept:
To accept your entries and vote for this write-in candidate, press 0.

Area #3:   VIBS Ballot Review

The change begins from the point of having reached the last candidate on the ballot and having pressed 9. Currently, the script says, “You have chosen to cast your ballot. To confirm, press 9. To return to voting your ballot, press 4”.

The Division of Elections requires the pressing of the “4 key” to take the voter back to the first race of the ballot for the review. The voter would then work their way down through the races and cast the ballot. The voice prompt immediately prior to initiating the ballot review should be changed to state the following:
You have chosen to cast your ballot. To confirm, press 9. To review your ballot starting with the first race, press 4.

The review process for each race would be the same as the regular voting process, i.e. upon entering a fully voted race, the system would initiate prompts stating:


-Mark S Earley
Support Services Specialist
Global Election Systems
850 422-2100 office
850 322-3226 cell