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Election Summary Report - Addition of percentage turnouts

This has been an issue in Florida since early 90's. Many of the VTS 
counties in FL have been requesting the % turnouts to be detailed on the 
Election Summary Reports. It has been a promised feature before each of the 
several VTS upgrades, and it was expected in the certified version of GEMS, 
but does not seem to be there.

Pat Hollarn of Okaloosa County knows it is missing and is demanding it be 
added. I am certain Leon County will do the same when they learn that it is 
not a part of the certified GEMS.

Also, attached is a scan of the info Pat Hollarn of Okaloosa County adds to 
her summary reports by hand. She is unhappy about it having to add it. She 
is primarily wanting the overall percentage to appear, but she would prefer 
to have a breakdown like she has added.

The data needed to make the calculation is part of the report now. We just 
need to show the percentage. Any thoughts?

