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DRE protected counter including election resets

Here is a good one for you...
The ballot station currently has a "protected counter" that is the total number of ballots ever cast on the unit.  It advances by one each time a ballot is cast.
Louisiana wants the protected counter to also advance, by one, each time the unit is "re-set".  What re-set means appears up for interpretation, but for our purposes we'll use set-for-election.  As an illustration, say the protected counter is 100 at the beginning of election day.  150 votes are cast during that election.  At the end of the election, the protected counter will be 250.  Months go by and they have another election.  At the start of the election, they want the protected counter to read 251 before any votes are cast.  Strange but true.
The implementation is another one-liner:  just bump the protected counter at set-for-election.  The catch of course is that not everyone will want the system to work this way.  I'll cut a one-off release for the Louisiana certification.  If we end up getting the bid, we can talk about a setup option to turn it on and off.