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Re: Allow a Smart Card to be voted a specified number of times

Revenue opportunites from nongovernmental elections can be quite substantial and their election cycles fall, for the most part, during off-peak times for governmental elections. But if we're going exploring, don't forget other nongovernmental opportunites i.e., award shows, sports all stars, and university student elections. These brought in a nice chunk of change for Seq...I mean Brand X. BUT... unions generally require all support, ballots and other materials to be supplied by union shops.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 7:18 PM
Subject: RE: Allow a Smart Card to be voted a specified number of times

Just a comment on union elections.  I know very little about the union election market place, but from what I do know, I believe that we are missing the boat on a considerable revenue stream.  However, there are long-term relationships that have been developed over the years between the unions and the election companies they deal with that may be hard to break.  That being said, I think that we should explore the possibilities.




-----Original Message-----
From: Brian O'Connor [mailto:bocglobal@eathlink.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 8:41 PM
To: rcr@dieboldes.com
Subject: RE: Allow a Smart Card to be voted a specified number of times




This is not proportional voting.......a delegate comes from his home state or whatever as has the authority to cast ballots for home delagates who did not attend.  When the delagate signs in, he is authorized to vote a specific number of times based on the delagates not in attendance.  The pollworked declares "vote for 3 or vote for 5 or whatever the count", the delagate goes into the (lever) machine and votes with the pollworker resetting the machine each time.



There has got to be a better way !



Yes, this is big !  HBA does over $ 8.0 million in union elections annualy with this format and they are not the big player in this world.



-----Original Message-----
From: owner-rcr@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-rcr@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Ken Clark
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 3:19 PM
To: rcr@dieboldes.com
Subject: RE: Allow a Smart Card to be voted a specified number of times

From: owner-rcr@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-rcr@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Larry Dix
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 12:20 PM

This request is for using a touch screen for labor elections, therefore this request may conflict with voting standards as we know them. 


It couldn't be a conflict;  just (yet) another voting option.

Can a smart card be programmed so that it will allow the user to vote a specified number of times.  A delegate would declare the number of ballots that he is able to vote for.   


We can do just about anything.

Example:  A person would be allowed to vote the ballot 5 times.  This would be determined at time of smart card burning.  The voter could continue to vote the same ballot and a counter would be incremented until the voter used up the specified number of ballots.   



A few questions:


Is the number of votes the same for all smart cards created, or does it potentially change every time a new card is created?  What is the potential range of votes a delegate can have?


Is the smart card locked into the machine until they use up all their votes, or can they stop and vote some more later?  Are the votes transferable to other voters?


If the votes must be used all at once by one voter, then is the union open to other paradigms that accomplish the same thing?  Or more to the point, this is just proportional voting.  No point in giving them five ballots.  Give them one ballot, and let them distribute their votes among the candidates in one pass.  Five votes for candidate A, or three votes for A and two for B, etc.


As an aside, it would have to be a pretty big union to afford this kind of change, but hey maybe the teamsters are trying to elect Hoffa's son again?

