RCR: sl-022601-01
Requested: February 26,
Required: n/a
Module: Using the Manager
to Create Voter Cards.
Currently: When a
blank card is inserted into the Manager, the Manager prompts the user to
create the card with the ballot assigned to the key displayed. It displays
the message "Famous Names, 1: Create?". After the card is
created, the display changes and prompts the user to clear the card. It
displays the message "Famous Names, 1: Clear?" Remove the voter
card. The card is ready for voting.
Is it possible for the Manager to display
"Card Created" to indicate that the card has been
programmed and it's okay to remove it at this point? As it stands
now, it is very easy for the count (number of times programmed) to be off.
I found myself hitting the <Enter> key repeatedly until I realized
that it was looping between Create and
Clear. I then looked at the count and noticed that
it incremented a few more times than I intended for it to.