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RE: challenged voter for Spyrus reader

From: owner-rcr@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-rcr@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Ken Clark
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 3:15 PM
We're working on a solution to challenge voters on Spyrus for polling places (like Gaston for example).  I'll follow up with the details once they're hashed out.

Question:  how many challenge/provisional voters can we reasonably expect to service in a polling place?  Careful with the answer here, because picking a big number just to be safe will be at the expense of everyone who has only 10 challenge voters on average.  Is 100 enough?  200?  500?  Can we(*) get some real numbers for big accounts based on their previous elections?
(*)  those people responsible for big accounts that care about this issue.