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VoteFor on SOVC -- GBS (RE: State of Illinois)

Submitted on behalf of GBS and the State of Illinois (note the language is by Diane Felts, State of Illinois):
2.    The Statement of "Votes Cast" will include at least the following: 
             a.    The "Vote For" 
We don't do this, but its not hard to add, and is not a bad idea.  It will be in the next major GEMS release. 
Is wasn't in the next major release, but it will be in 1.16.4.  I was wrong about it being not hard to add as well.
It would be worth while for whomever is responsible for GBS/LHS to resubmit any of their outstanding RCRs one topic per submission.  Some of their requests are getting lost in the noise of these multi-item RCRs as some items get done and others are put off.  Resubmitting them doesn't necessarily mean they'll get done right away, but it does mean they won't get lost.