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RE: GEMS question - Alpha Numeric ID's

Hi Mike

I have a question for you.  Is there an ability in GEMS to assign an
alpha-numeric number to the default precinct category?  If there is not an
ability to assign an alpha-numeric number, is there a possibility of
revising GEMS to allow that?

The reason I am asking is.....for instance,  In Ottawa I deal with Advance
Polls (10 days before voting day) and also Polls on Voting Day.  When I
number for my polls in GEMS, I prefer to have the ID number a number that I
can readily identify as being in a specific ward and poll without having to
look at a report.  So,  I would number as follows:

1001   = Ward 1, Poll 1
1003   = Ward 1, Poll 3
5002   = Ward 5, Poll 2
14005 =  Ward 14, Poll 5.....and so on.....

The reason I am asking about alpha-numeric is that I am also dealing with a
unique situation with Advance Polls where they are not the "usual situation"
of listing them as a cumulative reportunit....they must be listed as a
precinct (Greg Forsythe knows all about our unique situation)....so  if I
have an Advance Poll, I would also like to be able to see it as a "unique"
ID that is readily identifiable, such as

Advance Poll number 3 in Ward 2 could be ID'd as follows......


Advance Poll number 10 in Ward 15 could be....
