Tyler, Here is my review of the RCR from Jefferson. 1. NEED FOR A REPORT BY BALLOTS CAST BY REPORT UNIT WITHOUT PAGE BREAKS AFTER EACH REPORT UNIT: We want a simple report, with one line per precinct (REPORTUNIT) showing the total ballots (CARDS) cast in that precinct. Make each precinct take a line on the page. Please do not do a page break after every precinct. This alone would make the report hundreds of pages shorter. Does the 'Cards Cast Report' not produce what they want? 2. NEED ABILITY TO MAKE A REPORT FOR A SINGLE CANDIDATE. Many candidates also are interested in the number of ballots (CARDS) cast in each precinct in their jurisdiction. Print the 'Cards Cast Report' for the district the candidate's race is running in. 3. NEED ABILITY TO REPORT BY A BASE UNIT. We are looking into this. 4. WE NEED A REPORT SHOWING WHICH CARD STYLES AND SEQUENCES BELONG IN A POLLING CENTER (ESPECIALLY AN ABSENTEE POLLING CENTER) Use the 'VoteCenter with Cards' report to get this information. Tab