How about June 1, 1999. I don't have a "must have" date. It's all dependent on timelines for depleting our 32KB stocks (we'd like to keep some in reserve, thank you) and certification schedules (might as well have it for certifications now rather than wait for a "must need" future crisis). On depleting our stock: If we continue down the path of 1000 Accu-Vote per quarter sales and sales of memory cards as supplies around 250 per quarter, and we want to be left with a reserve of 1000 cards, then we would run out of 32KB around March 2000. So we best have a solution in say two months, because we won't be able to upgrade everybody at the last minute or get through certifications at the last minute. On certification schedules: If anybody knows that we have an upcoming certification that would require this deadline moved up, please respond. On the Infra-red issue: The customers can purchase a RAM upgrade at the same time they get a ROM upgrade. That's trivial. Ian