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RE: Ballot Station 4-3-6 Voting error

Since BallotStation 4-3-6, a separate instruction page would be displayed if “One Click Vote” has been selected in GEMS->AccuVote TS Options.  After downloading to BallotStation 4-3-6, it fails to look up the one-click-vote instruction TSText introduced in GEMS 1-18-10.

To resolve the error, please download TSText 1-18-10 from the FTP site as per the attached email.




-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com] On Behalf Of Nel Finberg
Sent: June 3, 2002 11:47 AM
To: Bug Track
Subject: Ballot Station 4-3-6 Voting error


Attempting to vote in the AccuVote-TS vote center of the attached database results in the error message 'The following error has been detected:  Failed to Initialize InstructionDlg Failed to find data'.  Voting occurs without impediment in Ballot Station 4-3-5.



--- Begin Message ---
Title: TSText-1-18-10

TSText-1-18-10 in MP3 format is ready, it is compatible with GEMS 1-18-10
and BS 4-3-6.  It includes the new VIF_Instructions_OneClick.rtf files used
for "One Click Vote" option is checked in AccuVote-TS Options, see GEMS
1-18-10 Readme for more detail.

The password is:
TSText-1-18-10.zip           kanol309ghuie


--- End Message ---