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Re: VC Programmer 4-1-2: Card created. Internal error upon insertion into Ballotstation.

The BallotStation problem has been fixed. It will no longer display "Internal Error" but rather "No ballot found for voter".
The root cause of the problem was that VCProgrammer was using the wrong reportunit for the baseunit.  This occurred when a baseunit was in more that one reportunit due to using Combined Reportunits.  This problem is now fixed and will be in VCProgrammer 4.1.3.
 Note: If you have combined precincts the VCProgrammer will display the baseunit along with the reportunits that it resides within. The poll worker will have to select which baseunit/reportunit combination they want to use.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sophia Lee
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 4:23 PM
Subject: VC Programmer 4-1-2: Card created. Internal error upon insertion into Ballotstation.

VC Programmer 4-1-2.
BSCE 4-2-2-2 (pre-release).
1.    Create voter card using VC Programmer 4-1-2. 
2.    Ballotstation 4-2-2-2:
        a.    Test Count -> Count Test (using Voter Card)
        b.    Insert card in BallotStation.
3.    Ballot Station displays "Internal Error" in a very pretty orange.
Tried several voter cards.  Same result.  However, when the voter card is created from the Ballot Station, okay.