I sent out an email asking if other counties in CA had
experienced the "watermark" problem. Responses as follows:
SLO (San Louis Obispo) county is very familiar with
it. Sometimes the watermark was very dark, sometimes light and
almost always in some foregin language. Julie
I asked Julie to let me know what
type of printer she uses.
Steve, I do remember that we did have a problem with a "water
mark" showing up. What we did was reinstall the printer. You
might want to contact Don Bisamaier who was here at the time and helped us with
the problem. Paula Van Loan,Assistant County Clerk,Siskiyou
No problems with weird "watermarks" on the background
of our (Santa Barbara)summary report this last election.
Billie Alverez in Santa Barbara.
No problems in
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 2:04
Subject: Re: VoterComment
Yes. Multiple databases exhibit the problem. Nov.
March and April all did this. No special sequence I can tell. I
simply printed a typical summary, with no blanks, ovrs, unders, no cards cast
or times counted. Once it shows up, you have to reboot to clear it. It
will continue to show up on reports. I faxed samples up to TAB in
September time frame last year. I'm sure they were thrown out, but
shouldn't be that hard for me to get you more.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 1:45
Subject: RE: VoterComment
And I can send the Alameda database.
Obviously the Alameda database does not trigger the
problem, or Jeff wouldn't be seeing it to. Do other databases exhibit
the problem for Alameda County? Do they have a sequence of steps
that reproduces the problem? If its "random" what is the rate of
occurance? If they print twenty reports in a row will they see the
problem three times, or can they print all day without seeing