-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Ian S. Piper
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 11:23 AM
To: bugtrack@dieboldes.com
Subject: RE: Modems not Responding 1-17-3Then any time and materials spent on this job should be charged to the customer. You can give Larry Dix an estimate of hours and he can give the customer a quote.Ian-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Mike Brown
Sent: September 11, 2000 11:28 AM
To: bugtrack@dieboldes.com
Subject: RE: Modems not Responding 1-17-3No.mike-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Ian S. Piper
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 11:12 AM
To: bugtrack@dieboldes.com
Subject: RE: Modems not Responding 1-17-3Is this "USRobotics Total Control MP/16 v.34 modem bank" a configuration that we have setup before and approved for use with GEMS?Ian-----Original Message-----
From: owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-bugtrack@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Mike Brown
Sent: September 11, 2000 10:49 AM
To: Bugtrack@Gesn. Com
Subject: Modems not Responding 1-17-3Location: OttawaOttawa has been have some problems with their Modem bank not responding to GEMS.Up until now they have been using VTS. They have now upgraded to GEMS 1-17-2. The Modem bank is 2xUSRobotics Total Control MP/16 v.34 modems (configured as Courier v.34) for a total of 32 modems.When the ports are activated the Modem status stays at Connecting to Modem. It has been left on for approximately 10 minutes and still say connecting to Modem.I have attached the Manual for the USR Modem Bank.Here is some background and testing that Dennis has done.Hey Mike
They were running VTS, using the Digi Board in the server connected to
1xDigi Ports/16em (serial box) and 12 external modems connected to the Digi
Ports... They were not using our current USRobotics Total Control MP/16 v.34
stack modems...
I did some more testing this morning... Here's a description of the test:
- We currently have a Digi card in the Server, connected to 2xDigi
Ports/16em (serial box = 32 ports), connected to 2xUSRobotics Total Control
MP/16 v.34 stack modems (16 modems on each box = 32 modems)
- Test #1:
I used a separate external 56k USRobitcs modem, connected to 1 port on the
Digi Ports/16em serial box, GEMS recognized it and worked
- Test #2:
I connected 1 of the modems from the USRobotics Total Control MP/16 v.34
stack modems box, connected it directly to Com1 on the server, GEMS did not
recognize it...
Problem is with GEMS and the USRobotics Total Control MP/16 v.34 stack
modems, not the DIGI card or the serial box...
I'm going to verify my dip switches and modem configurations on these
USRobotics Total Control MP/16 v.34 stack modems..
Any other suggestions would be appreciated...
Thanx Mike