all precincts, but not all candidates, which is equally "bad" don't you think?
I have
to put the smiley because this is all so surreal. If there were 6001
precincts instead of 6000, that doesn't give the machine another
thing to "test". It is just another bit pattern in the ballot
record. There are 4 billion possible bit patterns. Diddling around
with 6000 (or 6001) of those patterns is the machine equivalent of
suggest finding out what LA does with their punch card test, and then maybe we
can do something similar in spirit. I assure you they don't punch 24m
cards. Actually, that has been my answer to this question the last
fifteen times (not by you Jeff). If they do in fact test just the
first candidate (or just the first precinct, or just the first card, or
whatever), then sure that would probably be easy enough to code