I spoke with Charlie and I continue to be unable to reproduce the
condition. If anyone has any more suggestions, please let me know.
Charlie described his method as:
- it works best in the diagnostics reader test, non-recirc manual
feed mode
- take a long ballot, preferably 18 inch
- holding the end of the ballot, feed it and then stop it with
about an inch of the ballot left
- as it goes through, grab the far end of the ballot with the
other hand
- allow it to return the ballot but stop it when the last inch
is about to enter the scanner
- pull the ballot back against the reversing motor stopping
with the last inch still exposed at the front
- allow it to pull the ballot back
- the motor will switch back into forward before half the ballot
is pulled back
At this point the AV has determined that a previously accepted ballot
is getting pulled back due to the number of timing marks seen while in
reverse. The AV then attempts to separate the 2 computed ballots,
accepting one and returning the other. Charlie describes that you
hold the ballot a little more and then the AV will work it out the back
end and will frequently leave the motor running in forward and from then
on, anything will go through. This would suggest that the AV has
Any more details on the election mode problem would also be helpful.
BALLOT JAMMED IN READER"? In the past there were electrical conditions
associated with motor operation that could crash the Accu-Vote and we've
modified the design over the years to prevent this. However there
could be a problem with particular AVs so if this happens more than once
on particular units, we would like to know.
We're to be releasing PC1.94x later this week and it would be
nice to have this resolved in time to include the fix. Thanks for
all your help.
Guy Lancaster wrote:
I haven't managed to reproduce the condition described below.
Please give me a call Friday (I'm not in Thursday) and I'll pick your brain
on the subtle details.
Steve Ricke wrote:
We are occasionally receiving tabulators
from the field with the following problem. User complaint: During
election the tabulator LCD will display "BALLOT JAMMED IN READER" while
the tabulator continues to accept ballots. These ballots are passed
through the tabulator without being processed or recognized by the tabulator.We
have fed thousands of ballots through these units and have been unable
to duplicate the complaint. Charley Conrad has been able to duplicate the
malfunction. Feed a ballot through reader and hold both ends while
ballot oscillates until ballot feeds through instead of being rejected.
(Simulating an insistent voter trying to force a ballot through while blocked
in the ballot box.) The motor will now run continuously. Any
ballot, blank sheet of paper, etc. will be taken without being processed.
The LCD will have "BALLOT JAMMED IN READER" until it times out and normal
Precinct Display reappears The motor will continue to run until the
unit is turned off and on. The unit will then operate properly.
This has been tried with 1.94W. We think it goes back to earlier
releases. Steve R.