Originally created and tested with GEMS-1-7-5 and tested with 1-9-6 I setup a simple election with three different ballots, hence three districts. When nominations closed the first and third district were used, the second district was not required. I did not delete it. Produced two ballots, one in the first district and the other in the third, downloaded the Memory Cards and the election proceeded. A run-off was required for some of the races in the first district. I deleted the race in the third district but did not delete the corresponding report precinct from the vote centre. Downloaded the Memory Card and checked the long report. The text from the "TEST RESULTS REPORT" to the end of the ballot information in the "SUMMARY TOTALS" kept repeating. Deleted the two unused report polls from Default Precinct Category and everything worked properly. The Memory Card downloaded properly with the error in the first instance with no warning that there was something wrong! Greg
local 707 election run-off.dbf