----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 6:02
Subject: I was premature on
- It appears I was premature on my firmware message. I
was using two different accuvotes for my tests. Using a single
accuvote the results seem to be the same between the firmware
versions. The problem seems to be in the accuvote I was using.
Will find the cause tomorrow.
- Sorry about the inconvenience.
- Steve R.
- I was able to duplicate the experience of Mr.
- Insert a slip of paper into the reader enough to cover
at least one channel.
- Remove paper then insert a ballot within four
- The ballot will be allowed to go into the ballot box with
"Ballot not read, please re-insert" message. Of course the ballot count
was not updated.
- This will occur no matter what ballot is fed through whether
programmed for the election or not.
The unit refereed to above was the same unit which Mr. Pickett
noticed the dropped ballot in South Carolina. I have isolated the
problem to the reader. The reader seems fine in all other respects.
Further troubleshooting will tell us more.
We have yet to see this occur in another unit though we have not been
watching. Will add a procedure to the final test of the tabulators to see
how frequently this event occurs.
Steve R.