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FW: One For The Books

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Davis [mailto:registrar@co.stafford.va.us]
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 4:06 PM
To: registrars@sbe.state.va.us
Subject: One For The Books

I just have to share this!  It has been a long day!

We use the Accu-Vote which as you know is a Mark Sense ballot system.  I
guess that means you have to have some sense to mark it.  A voter signed
the pledge, checked in, received his ballot, received ballot marking
instructions and went to the voting booth to mark his ballot.  After
marking his ballot, he started to the tabulator and asked the election
official if the tabulator would be able to read his ballot.  The EO
assured him it would.  The voter held the ballot out and asked again.
The EO did not want to see the ballot and assured him that it would.
The voter mumbled that he did not know how it could that it was a
mystery to him, he could not read it himself, and we must use some kind
of magic ink.  The EO official was far enough away that he could not
really see the names so he glanced at the ballot and saw that it was not
marked.  He told the voter he had to mark in the oval next to his
choice.  The voter said that he had.  He was returned to the voting
booth and both realized the voter had not removed the top from the
marking pen!
Have what ever kind of day you want to!