Here are some projects on my TODO list (24 Jul 2000). - Check Ladder 8 I just need some real value to test it as I've already the Ladder subroutines extracted. - Check Ladder 7 I'll need some real results to check it, after ladder-7 implementation of course - Speed optimisation for ladder computations - Probability() using a table for small ranking differences As it is unlikely that very high ranked players play against very low ranked players, a table may be used for a given rank differences interval. For greater differences, the mathematical formula may still be used. This will allow to limit it to a table of, for example, 255 double (-127 to 127) that will catch most of the cases. - Math expanding then factorisation. This is the best optimization that could be done to these math functions but it'd render these math expressions nearly impossible to understand. - Config option to set minimum number of game won before someone may enter a ladder game. This would also allow playing ladder directly after account creation (for example, for LAN parties) (except the client tries to enforce this too. I believe it is hardcoded to 10 normal wins). - Gimp script to convert to indexed with a correct palette for creation of ad banners.